news release


前回の色・フォントまとめに続き、今回はクリエイティブのクオリティを上げるための余白・文字加工についてまとめました。 余白 デザイン全体の余白、行間の余白、文字とオブジェクトの余白など様々ですが、あるのとないのとでは、見やすさや受ける印象が大きく変わります。バランスを見てうまく余白を取ることで、視線を集めたい部分に注目させる、余裕のあるデザインになります。 —ポイント— 字間 … 文字と文字の間の余白です。狭すぎると窮屈で読みにくい印象。 行間 …文章の行と行の余白です。字…

SmartNewsの「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」配信の検証

GoogleやFacebookと同じように、SmartNewsでも配信は媒体の自動最適化が推奨されています。通常は「コンバージョン数の最大化」で設定をしていますが、担当案件で行き詰まりを感じていたため「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」の検証を行いました。oCPCとはいわゆる「目標CPA」のこととなります。   1.「コンバージョン数の最大化」と「最適化 CPC 入札 (oCPC)」 「コンバージョン数の最大化」入札方法:クリック優先目標:コンバージョン数※配信タイプは選択できません。1日あた…


はじめに LPの構成の型は普遍的で、どの記事でも同じような流れが推奨されています。しかしながら、型に入れる「クリエイティブアイディア」でサービスの魅力の伝わり方が大きく変わります。 「クリエイティブアイディア」とは、斬新的な「かっこいい」や「かわいい」「おしゃれ」などではありません。商品・サービスの特徴や、業界あるいはターゲットユーザーによって異なる「伝わりやすい見せ方」を適切に選択することです。   成果の出るLPの基本構成 ❶ファーストビュー 📌ポイント何のサービスであるかパ…


株式会社オプティマイザー(本社:東京都港区元赤坂1-1-7 オリエント赤坂モートサイドビル2F、代表:田川 周作)は、2024年2月1日(火)に自社プロダクトであるASP「MediPartner(メディパートナー)」内の機能追加として、「LINEの友達追加の成果計測」をリリース致しました。 本リリースにより、弊社ASPを介して、LINE友達登録の成果取得が可能となり、広告主様とアフィリエイター様(※1)との掲載条件及び集客方法のダイバーシティ(多様性)の拡大を目的としております。 ※1 成果報酬…


さまざまなクリエイティブを制作してきたなかで、最低限なにに注意し作っているか、色・フォントに着目しまとめました。 色 デザインを始める際 ベースカラー、メインカラー、アクセントカラーの最低3色を決めることで、全体のデザインの統一感をキープできます。 ベースカラー:最も大きな面積を占める基本となる色(余白や背景・明度の高い色、淡い色・無彩色) メインカラー:印象を決定づける色(キャッチコピーなど ベースカラーより明度の低い色) アクセントカラー:メリハリをつけるための一番目立つ色(ボタンなどに使用…


■背景 急激に技術が進歩している画像生成AIは、広告の素材生成での活用が期待できる。一方で、まだ世界的にも法整備が追いついておらず、著作権問題をクリアにしなければならないこと、またAIを使う我々のスキル(主にはプロンプトを書くスキル)というネックがあり、完全に新しい素材を生成するというレベルでは、実用はまだ現実的ではない。 しかしながら、現段階でも十分実用可能な活用方法はあると考え、画像生成AIの活用の初歩といえる「画像の拡張」という使い方についてまとめた。 ■使用ツール Adobe Photo…

Analysis of the effectiveness of TikTok advertising campaigns

Purpose: Understand the medium characteristics of TikTok and improve operational accuracy Measures/Countermeasures: Create ad sets for each creative type within the same campaign (targeting settings are the same) → There is a difference in CPM of more than double between ad sets So, I investigated what influences CPM. Hypothesis - There seems to be a correlation between the number of likes and CPM. - CPM drops sharply from the timing when the number of likes increases in a day (about the same day or the next day). →Loop of “The number of likes increases because the amount of imp increases” ・The admin screen says “Performance will improve if you turn on the comment function”…

Notification of phone number change

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage. We would like to inform you that from January 1, 2022, our company's representative number and marketing division phone number will be changed as follows. Main phone number New number: 03-6821-2080 (Formerly: 03-4405-9595) Marketing Division Phone number New number: 03-6821-2081 (Formerly: 03-4405-9611) We apologize for the inconvenience. However, we would appreciate it if you would correct the phone number, etc.

Supporting post-corona work styles

In the midst of what is called the post-corona era, many companies are probably considering their future work styles. Therefore! As the need to "work in the same way as in the company" is increasing in "various places", why not review the phone again? Our service [Unlimited Business Phone] contributes to "communication that is the same as in-house"! ① Anytime! anywhere! Internal and external lines are possible. "I can't answer the phone to the company while teleworking..." "If you call other than the company number, you won't be able to answer the customer..."

Released a relative power trading platform that mediates flexible power trading between new power and power generation companies. Supports various power sources such as thermal power, renewable energy, and VPP.

Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereafter referred to as Energy Optimizer) conducts power trading (relative power trading) between retail electric power companies and power generation companies without going through the market. We will release an information exchange function that supports flexible matching in real time. <Background> Due to the soaring prices of the Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX) triggered by the electric power crisis in January 2021, many retail electric power companies, regardless of the ratio of power procurement using JEPX, You will receive damage. Limitations on causes and countermeasures…

Smart hospitality for visitors with multilingual support. Reception application for iPad "βReception" released (2019/9/12)

Optimizer Inc. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereafter referred to as Optimizer) has released a multi-language reception application for iPad "βReception" on Thursday, September 12th. rice field. You can select your favorite model from multiple models, and it is characterized by being able to accept as if you were talking to a person, and it is a reception application that can be linked with business phones that support the SIP protocol. In addition, we have prepared 6 female real models as the first release. Models are not limited to real models, but various…

Optimizer Co., Ltd. Sponsored "2019 Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities"

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) held the “2019 We co-sponsored the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities (sponsored by Yokohama Furie Sports Club Co., Ltd.). 2019 Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities The 2019 Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities are ongoing since 2011 as part of the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Activities by Yokohama FC, a professional soccer club that belongs to the J.League. activity. This year is June 23rd...

Optimizer Co., Ltd. and Korean AI venture "lululab" form a business alliance. Established new company "lululab Japan" (2019/7/4)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) is lululab Inc. (Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea), which develops "LUMINI" in South Korea, which combines artificial intelligence (AI) technology and beauty. , CEO Young Joon Choi, hereinafter referred to as lululab) will partner and establish a joint venture (hereinafter referred to as the new company) to jointly promote business mainly in Japan. [Left]: Optimizer Director Co-Founder / Yusuke Kaku [Right]: Lululab CEO / Choi Yong Jun <Outline> Optimizer…

Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. has started joint research with Kyoto University on building a sustainable regional energy system using IoT. (2018/6/27)

Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereafter referred to as Energy Optimizer) is a National University Corporation Kyoto University Graduate School of Energy Science (Research Director: Graduate School of Energy Science, Associate Professor: Seiichi Ogata (hereinafter referred to as Kyoto University) will start joint research on regional energy system design utilizing sustainable regional energy management systems. <Background> Against the backdrop of growing interest in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 and global environmental and resource issues, solar power generation and …

<Information> AI-based fully automatic energy supply and demand adjustment management service Ene Partner series official version will be available from June (2018/6/6)

NEDO Completes New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project Phases B and C ), completed the research and development of the new energy venture technology innovation business phases B and C, conducted beta verification with more than 10 companies, and succeeded in automating the power supply and demand business. Practical use as soon as possible. We will start offering it as the official version of the Ene Partner series from June. Optimizer is a fully automatic new power supply and demand management business that utilizes AI.

<Notice> Home storage battery becomes a "power plant" with IoT. Virtual power plant (VPP) demonstration project started (2018/6/6)

General Incorporated Association Environmental Co-Creation Initiative “VPP Aggregator Project” Demonstration Project Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. On May 29, we were selected as a resource aggregator for the "VPP Aggregator Project" in the "FY2018 Virtual Power Plant Construction Demonstration Project Cost Subsidy Utilizing Energy Resources on the Demand Side" publicly solicited through the Corporate Environmental Co-Creation Initiative. registered. Virtual power plant (hereinafter referred to as “…

<Information> “You can put it into practice right away! What is the SNS utilization technique that captures the hearts of users?” Web marketing seminar for single-item repeat mail-order businesses such as cosmetics and health foods will be held on December 20 (Wednesday) in Akasaka, Tokyo (free / Capacity system / all 3 times)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shusaku Tagawa) will hold a free seminar on December 20, 2017 (Wednesday) from 17:00, titled “Learn from professional web marketers! Important web measures (3 times in total)-Final social media-linked measures-” will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. Since the seminar started in 2015, more than 500 marketers have participated so far, introducing measures to attract customers for various industries. From October, we will hold a series of 3 seminars limited to single item repeat mail order businesses. The final episode is "So...

<Notice> Power Optimizer Co., Ltd., which specializes in local retail electricity business, has been certified as a target business for the "subsidy to promote the relocation of headquarters functions" by Akita Prefecture.

Power Optimizer Co., Ltd., a member of the Optimizer Group (hereafter referred to as Power Optimizer), will locate its direct retail electricity business head office in Akita City, and at the same time move its head office to Akita Prefecture. This relocation is a subsidy to promote the relocation of headquarters functions, etc. promoted by Akita Prefecture. Regarding energy management automation technology, we plan to work on application development for more efficient utilization by incorporating various energy resources based on the technology developed by our parent company. In implementing this initiative, in October 2017, the company name was changed to Power Optima…

<Notice> Power Optimizer Co., Ltd., which specializes in local retail electricity business, has been certified as a company to attract by Akita Prefecture and Akita City

We would like to inform you that Power Optimizer Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Power Optimizer), a member of the Optimizer Group, has been certified as an attractive company by Akita Prefecture and Akita City on Tuesday, December 5, 2017. Regarding energy management automation technology, we plan to work on application development for more efficient utilization by incorporating various energy resources based on the technology developed by our parent company. In carrying out this initiative, in October 2017, the company name was changed to Power Optimizer, and the technology cultivated was transferred to the hometown of the representative…

<Notice> Optimizer, a professional web marketer teaches "The latest web strategy seminar for EC business success that you can't hear now"

Held a series of three seminars for corporations aiming to streamline EC operations and increase sales. The first of a three-part series seminar to learn basic know-how for thinking about EC strategies and how to use digital marketing centered on SNS advertising was held on October 26, 2017 (Thursday) at 17:00 in Akasaka, Tokyo. increase. [Background] The number of EC businesses is increasing year by year, and according to the results of a survey by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the domestic BtoC-EC market exceeded 15 trillion yen in 2016...

<Notice> Optimizer, which provides the highest quality "biomass power generation fuel" from around the world to Japan, will exhibit at "Biomass Expo 2017" on June 7th (Wednesday), 8th (Thursday), and 9th (Friday)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereafter referred to as Optimizer) announced that it will release renewable energy fuels (a total of 14 types) certified by international organizations on June 7, 2017. It will be introduced at the Optimizer booth (Bio-06) at "Biomass Expo 2017" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight on the 8th and 9th. Optimizer finds a wide variety of biomass fuels from around the world and introduces them to everyone in Japan. We exhibited at the "2nd International Biomass Power Generation Exhibition" in March, but there were many more new biomass fuels.

<Notice> "Optimizing the effect of attracting customers online! Final paid media edition" Held on June 22nd (Thursday) in Akasaka, Tokyo (free / capacity system)

Thorough use of triple media! Content Marketing Practical Course (3 times) Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa) will hold a free seminar on June 22, 2017 (Thursday) from 17:00, titled "Thorough Use of Triple Media! Content Marketing Practical Course (3 times in total) ~Final Paid Media Edition~" will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. In order to achieve corporate marketing goals, we have learned the practical know-how of content marketing.

<Notice> “Utilize your own SNS account to attract more customers! 2nd Earned Media Edition” May 25th (Thursday) in Akasaka, Tokyo (free / capacity system)

Thorough use of triple media! Optimizer Co., Ltd. (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shusaku Tagawa) will hold a free seminar titled "Thorough Use of Triple Media!" Content Marketing Practical Course (3 times in total) ~2nd Earned Media Edition~" will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. Learn from the basics to practical know-how about the latest content marketing measures by triple media in order to solve the problems of web marketers of companies who are worried about acquiring new customers.

<Announcement> “Thorough use of triple media! Content marketing practice course (3 times in total)” Held on April 25 (Tuesday) in Akasaka, Tokyo (free / capacity system)

 ~1st Owned Media Edition~ Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereafter referred to as Optimizer) will hold a free seminar "Triple Media" from 17:00 on Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Content Marketing Practical Course (3 times in total)” will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. A seminar for corporate web marketers to learn from the basics to practical know-how about the latest content marketing measures that make full use of triple media (owned media, earned media, paid media).

<Notice> Optimizer's research and development results passed NEDO's stage gate review.

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) will conduct a new research and development for one year as "Practical application of AI-based solar power supply and demand automation cloud for new electric power". , The research and development results of the "FY2016 New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project" entrusted by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (hereinafter referred to as NEDO) from July 2016 passed the stage gate examination. . We have newly started Phase C practical research and development. Optimizer was established by Energy O Co., Ltd. in July 2016.

Introducing our exclusive Negawatt trading market! The next-generation cloud-based EMS "Energy Partner EMS 4.0" is now open!

Providing an energy resource aggregation market that connects electric power companies and consumers We will develop and start deploying a new energy management system cloud "Ene Partner EMS 4.0" that will connect energy distribution between consumers in a total way. In order to realize the power system reform by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Negawatt", which treats power saving as power generation, was launched in April 2017 as one of the new power utilization methods.

Our "Revised FIT Law Support Service" will assist unprepared solar power plants.

Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Electricity retailer A-0212, Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Energy Optimizer) has announced that the FIT Act will be revised from April 1, 2017 (Saturday). We will start providing the "Revised FIT Law Countermeasures Support Service" for solar power generation companies who have been late in responding to the The FIT Act, which will be revised from 2017. Various new obligations and deliverables will be imposed on solar power producers. Even business operators who do not know the details of the revision and those who are unfamiliar with electric power-related businesses must start taking measures...

<Notice> “Learn WEB marketing from professionals! Customer journey basic course” Held on March 23 (Thursday) in Akasaka, Tokyo (free / capacity system)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereafter referred to as Optimizer) will hold a free seminar on March 23, 2017 (Thursday) from 5:00 p.m. will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. (Past event) The penetration of smartphones and large-scale SNS has made consumer activities more complex. It's getting harder to win their hearts with a simple ad. It is not a one-sided promotion for the company's convenience, but an understanding of the flow of consumer behavior and emotions, and assembling an approach according to the stage.

<Notice> Opening of original negawatt trading market! New-generation cloud-based EMS "Ene Partner EMS 4.0" optimizer will be exhibited at "Electricity Deregulation EXPO" on March 1 (Wednesday), 2 (Thursday), and 3 (Friday)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shusaku Tagawa; hereafter referred to as Optimizer) will launch cloud EMS "Ene Partner EMS 4.0" on Wednesday, March 1, Thursday, March 2, and March 3, 2017. It will be introduced at the optimizer booth (W8-26) of the Electricity Deregulation EXPO held at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) on Friday (Friday). In April 2017, “Negawatt”, which allows you to trade energy saving as power generation, started. Optimizer implements its own negawatt trading market, “Energy…

<Notice> Optimizer, which provides the highest quality "biomass power generation fuel" from around the world to Japan, will exhibit at the "International Biomass Power Generation Exhibition" on March 1st (Wednesday), 2nd (Thursday), and 3rd (Friday)

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shusaku Tagawa, hereafter referred to as Optimizer) announced that it will release renewable energy fuels (6 types in total) certified by international organizations on March 1, 2017 ( It will be introduced at the optimizer booth (W14-22) of the "International Biomass Power Generation Exhibition" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) on Wednesday, 2nd (Thursday), and 3rd (Friday). Biomass power generation, which was 17,000 kw in 2012, expanded to 232,000 kw in 2016 (until the end of October). One renewable energy that continues to attract attention...

[Magazine] Pumpkin seed oil was introduced in Monthly Niigata Komachi

The edible cosmetic oil "Pumpkin Seed Oil" was published in the September 2016 issue of "Monthly Niigata Komachi". ▼Gift of the Month “gea Pumpkin Seed Oil” Pumpkin Seed Oil Oil extracted from highly nutritious pumpkin seeds, including vitamin E and beta-carotene. In order not to lose its nutritional value, it is recommended to use it for dressing without heating, or to sprinkle it on desserts such as ice cream! [P.259] <Related page> Overseas distribution optimization/gea pumpkin seed oil (edible cosmetic oil) [calltoact…

[Magazine] Nikkei Energy Next interviewed us about supply and demand management

In September 2016, Nikkei Energy Next interviewed us about supply and demand management. ▼ Nikkei Energy Next: New imbalance that worries supply and demand managers Under the old system, the level of the imbalance charge, which was a fixed amount, has become the de facto upper limit of the spot market, and has been pointed out as a cause of market distortion. Based on this reflection, the new system shifted to a market-linked system. Originally, after spot trading, it was linked to the real-time market used by general power transmission and distribution companies to adjust supply and demand, but the market has not yet started, so it is in the current form of a transient enemy. As a result, a “half-foreseen state”…

We will exhibit at the 2nd [Kansai] Electricity Deregulation EXPO!

From September 7th to 9th, we will exhibit at the "2nd [Kansai] Electricity Deregulation EXPO" to be held at Intex Osaka! Including "Management Strategy & BPO Seminar for Successful New Electricity Businesses" for electricity retailers, "Regional revitalization with local production for local consumption of electricity" for local governments! Energy strategy seminars that local governments should work on, etc. We are planning a mini seminar at our booth for shops and those who are interested in solar power generation. We look forward to seeing you there. [Overview] ・ Event name: 2nd [Kansai] Den…

[WEB] Contracted business adopted by NEDO was introduced at Smart Japan

From August 16, 2016, at "Smart Japan", research "Renewable energy power generation artificial Intelligent real-time bidding automation technology” was introduced. ▼ Smart Japan: Energy management with artificial intelligence, predicting power demand and power generation in real time A research and development project that incorporates artificial intelligence technology in the field of energy management will also start. It is an attempt to use artificial intelligence to predict in real time the amount of power generated by solar power and the power demand of households and businesses.

[WEB] Edible cosmetic oil "Pumpkin Seed Oil" was posted on FARMARCHE

From August 16, 2016, a tie-up article with the edible cosmetic oil "pumpkin seed oil" was posted on "FARMARCHE", a review site for vegetables that can be found in the production area. ▼ “FARMARCHE”, a review site for vegetables that can be found in production areas: “Beautiful from the inside” pumpkin seed oil sold at “World MD”! From June 24th, Optimizer Co., Ltd. will launch the international purchasing EC site "World MD" (, which introduces the best products recommended by the embassies of each country.

<PRESS> Adopted by NEDO "New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project"

"Development of real-time bidding automation technology using artificial intelligence for renewable energy power generation" Started commissioned business "Real-time bidding using artificial intelligence for renewable energy power generation" proposed by Optimizer Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Optimizer, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Development of automation technology” was adopted as “FY2016 New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project” by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) on July 15, 2016. ■ High real-time demand by machine learning, such as forecasting power generation of renewable energy such as solar power...

<Information> Adopted for 2016 NEDO: New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project

Optimizer Co., Ltd. and Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. are part of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)'s "FY2016 New Energy Venture Technology Innovation Project," which is called "Artificial intelligence for solar power generation and renewable energy generation." Development of real-time bidding automation technology” (Phase B) was adopted. Focusing on the importance of the renewable energy field, this project was implemented through public offering for technology development based on latent technology seeds possessed by SMEs (including ventures). Click here for NEDO details <Related page…

<PRESS> Edible cosmetic oil “Pumpkin Seed Oil” is now on sale to the general public on the international purchasing EC site “World MD”

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo) will carry out a large-scale renewal of the international procurement EC site "World MD" (, which introduces the best products recommended by the embassies of each country from June 24th. We have started selling various edible cosmetic oils including Slovenian “Pumpkin Seed Oil” to the general public. [What is “pumpkin seed oil”, an edible cosmetic oil that makes your body beautiful from the inside?] <Health effects due to rich nutrients are endorsed by the German Ministry of Health> Pepo pumpkin seeds used for Halloween etc.

<PRESS>Seminar on how to utilize the latest techniques and the latest case studies for inbound PR for visitors to Japan

Introducing the latest trends in the inbound market from Asia and successful examples of web promotion advertisements Optimizer Co., Ltd. (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative: Shusaku Tagawa) announced on July 21st, 2018, for marketing personnel, " A seminar on how to use the latest techniques for inbound PR for visiting Japan and the latest case studies” will be held in Akasaka, Tokyo. Japan's inbound market is 3.4 trillion yen. In order to enter this large market, many companies are working hard to acquire inbound visitors to Japan. However, many companies struggle because they do not know how to promote their products overseas. Therefore,…

[Newspaper] Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published a seminar on "Advanced IT Energy Management Strategy by New Electric Power," in which CEO Tagawa took the podium.

On June 1, 2016, the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published a seminar titled "Advanced IT Energy Management Strategy by New Electric Power," in which CEO Tagawa took the podium. ▼ "Advanced IT energy management strategy by new electric power" [PDF] ~ Effective utilization of natural energy with an innovative new electric power business model optimized with IT technology and artificial intelligence ~ Entered the new electric power support business using IT technology " Optimizer Co., Ltd. Representative Tagawa will be on stage at the Taiyo Keizai Association "Advanced IT Energy Management Strategy by New Electric Power" seminar held on June 29th (Wednesday).

[Magazine] New power bulk estimate service "" was published in the real estate solution book

On April 30, 2016, the new electric power bulk estimate service "" was posted in the real estate solution book. ▼ Real estate solution book: How to choose a new electric power What is required is a “consultation desk” for consumers Today's new electric power industry is in a very difficult situation for us to accurately select which new electric power company. In the midst of such turmoil in the new electric power industry, what owners are asking for is to provide solid guidelines from a neutral standpoint.

[Magazine] New power bulk estimate service "New power" was published in the monthly energy forum

In the monthly energy forum on April 1, 2016, the new power bulk estimate service "New power" was posted. ▼Monthly Energy Forum: New business models compete for new business models in response to electricity liberalization Energy optimizers, which have entered from advertising agencies, are creating business models that create profits by acting as a bridge between new electric power companies and consumers. It was constructed. Specifically, through a "new power comparison site" that incorporates marketing know-how, business operators select their favorite new power and request an estimate.

[Newspaper] New power bulk estimate service "New power" was published in the Senior Citizen's Housing Newspaper

On March 23, 2016, the New Electric Power Batch Estimate Service "New Electric Power" was published in the Senior Citizen's Housing Newspaper. ▼Senior Housing Newspaper: “Electricity Liberalization Benefits Business Operators” Reduction of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year Consumers) will be able to freely select the most suitable plan from a variety of plans. Until now, only 10 electric power companies in each region were allowed to sell low-voltage electricity to the retail market. However, from April this year, a small company registered with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will be …

[Magazine] New power bulk estimate service "New power" was published in Monthly Funeral Business

On March 25, 2016, in the monthly Funeral Business, the new power bulk estimate service "New power" was posted. ▼ Monthly Funeral Business: Power liberalization starting in April Advantages of switching to new power at funeral halls [PDF] With the power liberalization coming from April 2016, various companies and organizations will be able to choose their power companies more freely became. Many funeral business operators are also considering switching to new electric power companies. So what will change with electricity liberalization? A report on the basic knowledge of electricity liberalization and points for choosing a new electric power company…

<Notice> Completion of pre-registration for electricity retailers

Energy Optimizer Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has applied for pre-registration as a retail electricity supplier to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in preparation for the full liberalization of the electricity retail market from April 1, 2016. As of March 14, 2016, based on the provisions of Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the Supplementary Provisions of the "Law for Partial Revision of the Electricity Business Act, etc." (Law No. 72 of 2014), We have completed the pre-registration of electricity retailers (registration number A0212). Currently, we are promoting the power trading business as a PPS (Specified Scale Electricity Supplier), but due to the recent revision of the Electricity Business Act, we will be operating in April 2016...

[Magazine] New power bulk estimate service "New power" was published in Nikkei Energy Next

On December 20, 2015, Nikkei Energy Next published the new power bulk estimate service "New power". ▼Nikkei Energy Next: Convenience provided by “lump estimate” Business buds in information needs Business establishments across the country are troubled with decision-making criteria for power selection. This is what emerged from the "1st Nationwide Office and Power Consumer Survey" conducted by Nikkei Energy Next. Power selection has already begun in part. Optimizer (Minato-ku, Tokyo), an internet marketing business, started in January 2015 with the “Electricity…

[Magazine] "Supply and demand management agency business" was published in Nikkei Energy Next

On February 20, 2016, the Nikkei Energy Next published an article on the "Supply and Demand Management Agency Business" using an in-house developed system. ▼ Nikkei Energy Next: Transforming electric power business “Supply and demand management agency” using in-house developed system is now being accepted We have developed a supply and demand management system that utilizes it, and started a supply and demand management agency business in December 2015. "We have already received inquiries from more than 20 companies, more than we expected," said President Shusaku Tagawa. [N…

[WEB] "New Electric Power Comprehensive Support Service" was posted on Smart Japan

"New Electric Power Comprehensive Support Service" was published in Smart Japan on March 2, 2016. ▼ Smart Japan: Rising “new electric power launch” business, increasing number of supporting companies-Optimizer who entered the energy market from an advertising agency-“New electric power comprehensive support company”, related systems and consulting for new electric power The Optimizer Group does this. The company was originally founded in 2005 as a comprehensive marketing company. Originally, the electric power business was in a different field, but with systems such as affiliate advertising...

[Newspaper] VIP affiliate service "Medi Partner" was published in Nihon Net Keizai Shimbun

On November 26, 2015, the VIP affiliate service "Medi Partner" was published in the Nihon Net Keizai Shimbun. ▼ Nihon Net Keizai Shimbun: VIP affiliate service “Medi Partner” strengths in customer transfer speed and quality Partner" is a service that specializes in three industries: health and beauty, finance, and human resources. It specializes in housing loans, supplements, and medical staffing. Posted service…

[Newspaper] Customer management and sales support system for new electric power "Ene Partner CRM" was published in Denki Shimbun

On December 15, 2015, the Denki Shimbun published an article on the customer management and sales support system "Ene Partner CRM" for new electric power companies. ▼ Denki Shimbun: CRM development for new electric power, automatic creation of customer proposals [PDF] Optimizer (Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO Shusaku Tagawa), which develops business process outsourcing (BPO) services for new electric power, We have developed a customer management (CRM) system "Ene Partner CRM" with functions such as automatic creation of proposals for customers. The functions necessary for managing and improving sales activities for obtaining high-voltage contracts can be added to the existing CRM system.

[Newspaper] Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published AI system "Ene Partner SCM" for new electric power

In the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun on February 5, 2016, AI system for new electric power "Ene Partner SCM" was published. ▼ Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun: Forecasting the next day's power demand for new power [PDF] Energy Optimizer (Minato, Tokyo, President Shusaku Tagawa), a system developer for power, uses artificial intelligence (AI) for new power Developed a supply and demand management system. Predict the demand for the next day based on the correlation between past weather and power demand. The feature is that the difference between the predicted amount of electricity and the actual amount of demand can be kept within plus or minus 5%. http://www.nikk…

Japan's first! Super speed up of new electric power corporation sales! Launched "Ene Partner CRM" sales support for new electric power companies

Management cost reduction effect that can reduce labor costs by more than 20 million yen per year! Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereinafter referred to as Optimizer), which develops new electric power business BPO services and cloud services for new electric power as a new electric power support business, has an automatic proposal creation function and electric power From December 10, 2015, we will provide an industry-specific customer relationship management system (hereinafter referred to as CRM) "Ene Partner CRM" equipped with a unit price simulation function, and thoroughly support the sales activities of new electric power companies. . Points of “Ene Partner CRM” ■…

Cloud PBX for unlimited business phones and support centers now available!

"One booth is 300 yen per month, support phone calls for aggressive companies!" Optimizer Co., Ltd. (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) is an EC. From December 4, 2015, we will start offering "Cloud PBX for Support Centers" to realize support center cost reduction and support level improvement for growing consumer service providers such as shops and new electric power companies. Points of cloud PBX for unlimited business phone support center…

Support for reducing low-voltage electricity charges Started accepting advance consultations for the “Bulk negotiation for multiple stores” service

Ahead of the full liberalization of the electricity retail market! Optimizer Co., Ltd. (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa; hereinafter referred to as Optimizer), which operates "", a bulk electricity quotation service for high-voltage contracts, will start operations from April 1, 2016. From November 19, 2015, we will start pre-consultation of the "Bulk Negotiation for Multiple Stores" service for business operators with many stores in preparation for the full liberalization of the electricity market. Click here for the "" site Here is the point ↓↓↓ ★Overwhelming volume discount realized by negotiating stores together ★Optimal...

Electric power liberalization customer attraction package is now available!

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) is an advertising marketing company that has a proven track record in attracting new power customers. From November 13, 2015, we will start offering the "Optimizer/New Electric Power Advertising Package" that provides know-how to new electric power companies. [Background of “Optimizer/New Electric Power Advertising Package”] On April 1, 2016, due to the liberalization of electric power for general households, the Japanese electric power market expanded to 20 trillion yen with more than 80 million customers. "all…

Launched “Call Center Construction & BPO Service” for rapid development and overwhelmingly low cost call center construction and operation agency

Next-generation ICT cloud-based core system and PBX Optimizer Co., Ltd. (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) is a call center construction / We will start providing the operation support service "Optimizer Call Center Construction & BPO Service" from December 9, 2015. Points of "Optimizer/Call Center Construction & BPO Service" ■Prompt and low-cost opening/expansion of call center and thorough support! ■ In the electric power liberalization market, financial market, and EC market...

Launched “Unlimited Business Phone,” a telephone service for corporations with a monthly fee of 300 yen.

Cut corporate mobile phone costs by up to 85%! Overturn the common sense of business. Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa, hereinafter referred to as Optimizer) is a cloud type that can reduce the cost of corporate mobile phones distributed to employees, which required high costs for introduction, by up to about 85%. On November 4, 2015, we started offering a corporate telephone service, “Unlimited Business Phone”. [Background and Objectives] On September 11, 2015, Prime Minister Abe said, "High mobile phone bills are putting pressure on household budgets." However, information communication…

First exhibition at the 1st Kansai Electric Power Deregulation EXPO!

Thank you for visiting the Optimizer booth. Optimizer Co., Ltd. exhibited at the 1st Kansai Electric Power Liberalization EXPO held at INTEX Osaka from September 2nd (Wednesday) to 4th (Friday), 2015. did. Mini seminars will be held at the exhibition booth as needed, and we will introduce the power supply and demand management agent service that supports the operation of new power (specific-scale electric power companies) and the industry's only new power bulk estimate service. A total of 30,000 people visited over the three days. There was a day when we were hit by heavy rain on the way, but we held a mini session regularly at the optimizer booth…

Announcement of exhibiting at Funeral Business Fair 2015

Funeral Industry Specialized Recruitment Service x New Power Introduction Consulting At the Optimizer Booth, we will provide the funeral industry's only professional recruitment service "Funeral Recruitment Alert" and "Funeral Industry Specialized / New Electricity Introduction Consulting". ▼What is the Funeral Business Fair? This is a comprehensive exhibition and business meeting for those involved in the funeral service industry. ▼ What is a service specializing in the funeral industry? “Funeral Recruitment Alert” is a complete performance-based service that specializes in human resources in the funeral industry. Teori…

Search advertising is not dead yet! What new methods will grow in the future?

Yahoo x Optimizer Joint Listing Advertising Seminar Report The 5th web marketing seminar this term will be held jointly with Yahoo! The speaker consists of two parts. Each company held a lot of materials in one hand for about an hour and a half. The content starts with basic knowledge, and introduces the operational points of native advertising (Yahoo! By the way, native ads are articles (contents) and advertisements.

[Optimizer] 2015 New Graduate Commencement Ceremony Report

8 new members joined the optimizer this year. Entering the floor, lining up in front, the 4th generation members introduced themselves one by one. Everyone who spoke about their motivation and expectations for working in society as optimizers was nervous, but watching them made me feel that they were very reliable. Group photo with officers and new graduates. The location is "Toyokawa Inari" which is about 5 minutes on foot. In the precincts, stone statues of the seven deities of good fortune and the "child hugging fox" were enshrined. After the shooting, we all went to visit. What kind of wishes did everyone make? this…

Launched "Call Optimizer", a service for measuring the effectiveness of advertisements by telephone.

You can see which advertisement you saw the phone inquiry and entered! Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa), which provides comprehensive marketing support for companies, identifies which advertisement the customer contacted by phone made the inquiry. We have started offering “Call Optimizer,” a service that can analyze advertising effectiveness. Call Optimizer measures advertising effectiveness as conversions (results) of phone calls for inquiries and orders. Response analysis for each campaign regardless of paper or web media, search engine linked type…

From 9,000 yen per month! "WEB Crawler" Service Now Available!

Optimizer Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shusaku Tagawa), which conducts comprehensive strategic marketing, has started offering a service "WEB Crawler" that automatically supports data collection from websites. Optimizer has been utilizing automatic data collection technology through its own marketing strategy and media management, and will develop it as a service for other companies in the future. ■ Optimization of information accelerates business With the spread of CGM services and the spread of CMS construction, an environment where companies and individuals can easily publish content is created.

Industry first! Launched “Customer Acquisition Type Video Ads”

Optimizer Inc., a comprehensive strategic marketing company, will start providing the industry's first customer acquisition type video advertising service. ■ 2014 = First year of video With the spread of smartphones and tablets and the resulting improvement in the viewing and communication environment, lifestyles have changed from "watching TV with family at home" to "collecting information using smartphones in free time while out and about". Style has become popular. Furthermore, even if you watch a recorded TV program, most people now use the function to skip commercials, so it is becoming more difficult to raise awareness from TV commercials than in the past.

The effect of the topical "moving" LP "Parallax Effect LP" is amazing!

Optimizer Co., Ltd., a comprehensive strategic marketing company, will start offering a “moving” LP “Parallax Effect LP Production” *1 service. ■Modern people who live while choosing information to put in their brain Competitive website designs are improving year by year, and sites with old designs tend to lose credibility and decrease action rates and purchase rates. When comparing similar products and services, have you ever inadvertently chosen the one that is fashionable and appealing to you? This time, the topic that makes you want to see it…

[Optimizer] 2015 new graduate informal report

On Friday, October 24, 2014, the informal ceremony for 2015 new graduates was held. The venue is the same as last year, the 37th floor of the ANA Continental Hotel. It was a room where you can see the night view of Tokyo. At the start time of 19:30, the 9 prospective candidates lined up in two lines facing the stage. Looking at everyone's expressions from the moderator's seat, I could see the tension and enthusiasm that this time had finally come. After the president's greetings, we went to receive the official certificate. Each student was handed a certificate along with a gift of words based on job hunting and life episodes. (Messaging in a small conference room...